Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wet Weekend

The day before yesterday I mentioned I will be working on some forecasts for a possible wet weekend here in Georgia. I decided that it was too early to do it at that time, but by early today, I can tell a lot more clearly that this Saturday, if not even Sunday too, will be filled with rain and even severe weather. A cold front will be approaching from the west, and a moist air mass will settle in the Southeast, all bringing up precipitation. All of you who are planning outdoor plans on Saturday, you may keep them, but be prepared that earlier or later in the day there will be rain and/or storms with the front passage. You may get lucky to get onto an afternoon super cell as well.
Sunday, it will be the southern portions of the state that will be seeing storms, but they still may be in good shape. You may still want to look out for changes in outdoor plans, if you are in South GA for Sunday.
Here is my forecast for this weekend.

As you see by the map above, southern Georgia will experience rain, locally heavy, and it is hard to tell right now, but there maybe a Tropical System Jerry mixed into it, if when it forms it heads our way. Regardless, deep tropical moisture will pound South GA by rain. Meanwhile, central regions of Georgia will be experiencing scattered thunderstorms with the front as well as afternoon cells. Most of these will be very marginally severe for now. The mountains of northern Georgia and the greater Atlanta metropolitan area will be experiencing the worst fo the activity. The front will bring a line of severe thunderstorms with small hail, lightning, rain, and some wind. The details are not clear yet. Fortunately, ti will be only on Saturday. In fact, North Georgia should be experiencing awesome weather on Sunday after the temperature will drop 12-16 degrees with the front.
More updates regarding this stormy weekend threat will come throughout this week!!

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